Have you all read Virgin Territory: Stories from the Road to Womanhood by Washington D.C. based writer Cathy Alter?
If you haven't gotten around to reading this collection of first person accounts about important moments in the lives of women you have less than two weeks to do so before her next book arrives on the scene!
Cathy's new book is a hilarious memoir called "Up For Renewal, What magazines taught me about love, sex and starting over." Visit her website http://www.cathyalter.com/ for more information about the book and to read an excerpt.
If you happen to reside in the D.C. area you can even pop by the Barnes and Noble Bookstore on M Street in Georgetown on July 8th where Cathy will be reading and doing a little Q &A. If you are lucky, you might even have a chance to meet your friendly neighborhood Nervous Blogger that night

Because you will be so in love with both Virgin Territory and Up For Renewal, and you will have been so enthralled by Cathy's ease and hilarity when you saw her speak at B&N, you can tune in on July 10th to The Today Show on NBC where Cathy will be appearing live from New York in full color!
Take my word for it. Read it. Seriously. Do it.
Full Disclosure: Cathy is not only a wonderful writer and a really groovy person, she also teaches in my writing program at Hopkins. I'm guilty of bias--but I would never recommend a bad read!
hey, I'm a friend of Norah's. I've really been diggin your blog lately.
I hope it's ok that I've added a link to your blog on my blog --> http://mygraymorning.blogspot.com/
If not, let me know- Curtis
Sure Curtis! I've actually checked out your blog as well (after your last comment) but i wasnt sure who you were! Hopefully I'll get back on a regular blogging schedule. Thanks for reading!
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