"Leap Year has been the traditional time that women can propose marriage. In many of today's cultures, it is okay for a woman to propose marriage to a man. Society doesn't look down on such women. However, that hasn't always been the case. When the rules of courtship were stricter, women were only allowed to pop the question on one day every four years. That day was February 29th. It is believed this tradition was started in 5th century Ireland when St. Bridget complained to St. Patrick about women having to wait for so long for a man to propose. According to legend, St. Patrick said the yearning females could propose on this one day in February during the leap year. "

I mean, its cool for gals to propose to their guys all year round, but its interesting that St. Patrick was involved in this sly little agreement. I guess my advice to you all is to propose to your sig other tomorrow...or in 4 years...or, heck...maybe just wait til you are ready. :)
we'll make our own st. patty's day, i guess. in silver spring. it'll be not as much fun as chicago, however, we'll have 3 kittens just dying to be dyed green!
Looks like Nick's out of luck this year. Too bad I didn't read this post until now.
What a shocker - it's my fault.
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