Monday, May 26, 2008

Missing Blogger

Sorry to all (3) of you who read this blog regularly--I've been out of school on my one month summer break since the beginning of May, but I've been busy:

LC's mom came to visit and so did my sister and brother in-law (who announced while they were here that they are happily pregnant with their first baby!) And we went to a Nationals Game at the brand new awesome stadium.

I traveled to Los Angeles for four days but I didnt see Jimmy Kimmel and it didn't really look like this:

It looked more like this:

I dont think I like LA.

Immediately after I returned from the West Coast, LC and I travelled to NYC, which is for sure in my top three favorite cities (Chicago, London, NYC). I saw Strawberry Fields (which I had been dreaming about my entire Beatles-loving life):

And the Statue of Liberty:

Honestly, I thought it would be bigger. I mean, at least 2 or 3 feet high.

And we drank beers outside for hours on end in Little Italy.

Good Times.

I've also just started blogging for a new site about Washington, DC's Green Movement. None of my pieces are up yet, but keep your eyes on Paint The District Green.

So, yeah...I've been a little busy. But I'll try to get back on track! Peace!


Anonymous said...

I appreciate it Jeanie Beanie, but you didn't have to post on your blog how much i mean to you, I already knew it in my heart!

FoxRafer said...

I know I've said this before, but I can completely picture you living in New York. Strawberry Fields is such an emotional place; very moving.