Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tri-ing to Get Over It

I've spent a lot of time over the last 5 or 6 years working on becoming a runner - when my back is cooperating, that is. This summer I finally got a new, lighter, more efficient bicycle and have been cruising around the city and occasionally commuting the 10 miles to my office. Its been so fun that I've started to let the idea of completing a triathalon into my head. Maybe even just a sprint-tri to start - which cuts the usual distances of a full tri down to more manageable distances for us everyday amateur athletes.

The "Full Tri" or "Ironman Tri" is a little bit ridiculous. It consists of a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride topped off by a quick MARATHON run. Yeah. 26.2. You know, that thing that some people make a life goal to just complete on its own.

So, right. I'm not doing an Ironman.

But a Standard distance Tri? That's considered to be a .93 mile swim, a 25 mile ride and a 6.2 mile run. 25 mile ride and a 6.2 mile run? Can do.

A Sprint Tri? This almost sounds FUN! Its a half mile swim, 12 miles on a bike and a 5k (3.1 mile) run.  I could do that right now!

Except, wait...whats the third part that makes it a Tri? Oh, right. A swim.

I definitely know how to swim. I grew up with a pool in my yard, spent all my summers growing up in a lake at camp, and from time to time as an adult have done a little boating and floating in the water. For some reason I find myself really uncomfortable with the idea of swimming. Almost afraid, actually. The fear made me really start thinking about this. What the heck am I afraid of?

Swimming would be awesome for my back. It would be a great way to build some cardio for those long runs. I have a super nice pool at my gym that is practically demanding I stop by and throw down some laps. And, vainly, I feel like swimming does mad-awesome stuff for one's figure.

But I don't want to. Or, I'm afraid to. The more I think about it, the more I wonder if its a control issue. The water is frightening because it is encompassing. It is in charge. Its a competitor and it takes away the control I have over my own body and breath. I would need to learn to breath when the water allows me, and control my sense of panic when my face is underwater. To be totally alone in the water.

When I look to what I've learned in yoga, I start to think of taking up swimming as an important challenge. In my yoga practice, the breath is the focus and each asana exists to challenge my control of the breath. Isn't swimming just one more challenge for the breath to confront? Isn't is a worthy opponent?

What seemingly simply activity makes you feel out of control?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

iPad Cat Face Awesomeness

I've written a couple new posts, but i'm experimenting with some new platforms for the ipad, so thanks in advance for your patience. :)

for your pleasure.
a cat drawing.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Working, Writing and Waiting

In the time since my last post, I've mostly been in California on an extended work trip, but I've also been thinking a little more about what's to come in 2012. Before the end of January I'm shocked by how much I already have on my calendar for the next 12 months. Birthdays and birthday trips, vacations, weddings, races. Wowza. I've been a really successful procrastinator lately (including permitting myself to act as if the new year starts february one rather than Jan 1!) And, even if we pretend that's true in my tiny universe, I better get my act together - I only have a couple days.

Although I'm not so big on resolutions (or, rather, I'm not so big on making resolutions at the New Year - I am fond of constantly resolving to be better) Ive accidentally made a lot of promises to myself and I have to see what I can get done.

To begin, my body is falling apart. Since I began my new, excellent job in November, I have been practically out of commission in yoga and running. February I'm planning to partake in a 30 day yoga challenge (30 classes in 30 days) to get back in action and also to start conditioning myself for half marathon training (the half is in early September). Im a little scared because I'm been having some back pain for the last two weeks, but I'm planning to push through it.

As I'm working on getting my body back where it should be, I'm going to return to the art of exercising my brain as well. My dino blog got a strong start in September and then I abandonded it like yesterday's latte cup. Sooo, in February, im climbing back on the dinosaur and hope to do an official launch before March. I'm guessing no one will read it, but it will be lots of fun for me to write.

I'm also going to pair a little personal and professional development with a focus on picking up some of my old Spanish textbooks. I think its silly that I dont have a second language - even conversationally. So I'm picking that fun back up, too.

I'm not sure when im going to have time to do all this, in between all the other events on my calendar this year, but its worth a shot. I'll keep you all updated on my progress.