Thursday, April 28, 2011

The 30 Day Yoga Challenge

I've taken up the 30 Day Yoga Challenge.
This is not a challenge that raises money for sick kids, nor is it a challenge that raises money for my own personal indulgences. Completing the challenge does not enter me in a raffle or get my name on a faux gold font printed list. All it does is begin to prepare my body for summer (swimsuits and summer running season) and produce street cred among my social circle of fellow yogis and yoga enthusiasts.
All I have to do is complete 30 yoga classes in 30 days. I don't have to actually take a yoga class everyday - I can double up some days in a row, and then skip days if need be (and I'll need be, because I'll be going on a 10 day journey to New Orleans with work where it will be difficult for me to get my Namaste on.) I like it. I like yoga. I like the challenge. I like how my body will feel all beaten and bruised and strong and limber at the same time. 
This yoga challenge has got me thinking. If I look forward to yoga challenge, in this way - to committing at least an hour average a day (without travel, prep, shower) why have I never been able to complete a 30 day blogging challenge? Why have I never been able to blog every day for thirty days? Are my expectations set so high that I freak myself out? Do I demand a level of interest or creativity from each post that I have a hard time reaching? Have I convinced myself that I "don't have time"?
If May is 30 Day Yoga Challenge, maybe June should be 30 Day Blogger Challenge. If I can dedicate that much time to challenge my body, I should find the time to challenge my mind, too. Want to join me?

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